PLSSVM - Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine  2.0.0
A Least Squares Support Vector Machine implementation using different backends.
SYCL Directory Reference

Directory containing the implementation for the SYCL backend.


Directory dependency graph for SYCL:


directory  detail
 Directory containing implementation details for the SYCL backend.
directory  DPCPP
 Directory containing the implementation for the SYCL backend using DPC++ as SYCL implementation.
directory  hipSYCL
 Directory containing the implementation for the SYCL backend using hipSYCL as SYCL implementation.


file  exceptions.hpp [code]
 Implements custom exception classes specific to the SYCL backend.
file  implementation_type.hpp [code]
 Defines an enumeration holding all possible SYCL implementations.
file  kernel_invocation_type.hpp [code]
 Defines an enumeration holding all possible SYCL kernel invocation types.
file  predict_kernel.hpp [code]
 Defines the functions used for prediction for the C-SVM using the SYCL backend.
file  q_kernel.hpp [code]
 Defines SYCL functions for generating the q vector.
file  svm_kernel_hierarchical.hpp [code]
 Defines the kernel functions for the C-SVM using the SYCL backend.
file  svm_kernel_nd_range.hpp [code]
 Defines the kernel functions for the C-SVM in the nd_range formulation using the SYCL backend.

Detailed Description

Directory containing the implementation for the SYCL backend.

Alexander Van Craen
Marcel Breyer
This file is part of the PLSSVM project which is released under the MIT license. See the file in the project root for full license information.