▼Nplssvm | The main namespace containing all public API functions |
►Ncuda | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the CUDA backend |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing CUDA backend specific implementation details. Should not directly be used by users |
Cdevice_ptr | Small wrapper class around a CUDA device pointer together with commonly used device functions |
Ccsvm | A C-SVM implementation using CUDA as backend |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the CUDA backend occurs |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing implementation details. Should not directly be used by users |
►Ncmd | Namespace containing implementation details for the command line interface functionality. Should not directly be used by users |
Cparser_predict | Class for encapsulating all necessary parameters for prediction; normally provided through command line arguments |
Cparser_scale | Class for encapsulating all necessary parameters for scaling a data set; normally provided through command line arguments |
Cparser_train | Class for encapsulating all necessary parameters for training; normally provided through command line arguments |
►Nimpl | |
Cis_tracking_entry | Sets the value to false since it isn't a tracking entry |
Cis_tracking_entry< tracking_entry< T > > | Sets the value to true since it is a tracking entry |
►Nio | Namespace containing implementation details for the IO related functions. Should not directly be used by users |
Cfile_reader | The plssvm::detail::file_reader class is responsible for reading a file and splitting it into its lines |
Ccsvm_backend_exists< cuda::csvm > | Sets the value to true since C-SVMs using the CUDA backend are available |
Cgpu_csvm | A C-SVM implementation for all GPU backends to reduce code duplication |
Cgpu_device_ptr | Small wrapper class around a GPU device pointer together with commonly used device functions for all GPU backends to reduce code duplication |
Ccsvm_backend_exists< hip::csvm > | Sets the value to true since C-SVMs using the HIP backend are available |
Ccsvm_backend_exists< opencl::csvm > | Sets the value to true since C-SVMs using the OpenCL backend are available |
Ccsvm_backend_exists< openmp::csvm > | Sets the value to true since C-SVMs using the OpenMP backend are available |
Ccsvm_backend_exists< dpcpp::csvm > | Sets the value to true since C-SVMs using the SYCL backend with DPC++ as SYCL implementation are available |
Ccsvm_backend_exists< hipsycl::csvm > | Sets the value to true since C-SVMs using the SYCL backend with hipSYCL as SYCL implementation are available |
Cexecution_range | Class specifying a backend independent execution range |
Ctracking_entry | A single tracking entry containing a specific category, a unique name, and the actual value to be tracked |
Cis_tracking_entry | Check whether T is a tracking entry. Ignores all top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers |
Cperformance_tracker | Store the tracked information during calls to plssvm-train , plssvm-predict , and plssvm-scale |
Csha256 | A hashing struct used for sha256 hashing |
Creal_type_label_type_combination | Encapsulates a combination of a used real_type (float or double ) and label_type (an arithmetic type or std::string ) |
Cconcat_tuple_types | |
Cconcat_tuple_types< std::tuple< FirstTupleTypes... >, std::tuple< SecondTupleTypes... > > | Concatenate the types of the two tuples to a new tuple type |
Ccartesian_type_product | |
Ccartesian_type_product< std::tuple< FirstTupleType, FirstTupleRemainingTypes... >, std::tuple< SecondTupleTypes... > > | Calculate the cartesian product of the types in two tuples and return a new tuple with the corresponding real_type_label_type_combination types |
Ccartesian_type_product< std::tuple<>, std::tuple< SecondTupleTypes... > > | |
Ctype_list_contains | Checks whether the type T is present in the Tuple |
Ctype_list_contains< T, std::tuple< Types... > > | Checks whether the type T is present in the tuple Types |
Cis_array | Type trait to check whether T is a std::array |
Cis_array< std::array< T, I > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::array . |
Cis_vector | Type trait to check whether T is a std::vector |
Cis_vector< std::vector< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::vector . |
Cis_deque | Type trait to check whether T is a std::deque |
Cis_deque< std::deque< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::deque . |
Cis_forward_list | Type trait to check whether T is a std::forward_list |
Cis_forward_list< std::forward_list< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::forward_list . |
Cis_list | Type trait to check whether T is a std::list |
Cis_list< std::list< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::list . |
Cis_set | Type trait to check whether T is a std::set |
Cis_set< std::set< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::set . |
Cis_map | Type trait to check whether T is a std::map |
Cis_map< std::map< Key, T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::map . |
Cis_multiset | Type trait to check whether T is a std::multiset |
Cis_multiset< std::multiset< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::multiset . |
Cis_multimap | Type trait to check whether T is a std::multimap |
Cis_multimap< std::multimap< Key, T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::multimap . |
Cis_unordered_set | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_set |
Cis_unordered_set< std::unordered_set< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_set . |
Cis_unordered_map | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_map |
Cis_unordered_map< std::unordered_map< Key, T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_map . |
Cis_unordered_multiset | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_multiset |
Cis_unordered_multiset< std::unordered_multiset< T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_multiset . |
Cis_unordered_multimap | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_multimap |
Cis_unordered_multimap< std::unordered_multimap< Key, T > > | Type trait to check whether T is a std::unordered_multimap . |
Cparameter | Class for encapsulating all important C-SVM parameters |
►Ndpcpp | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with DPC++ as SYCL implementation |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with DPC++ as SYCL implementation. Should not directly be used by users |
Cdevice_ptr | Small wrapper class around a DPC++ device pointer together with commonly used device functions |
►Cqueue | PImpl class to hide the SYCL queue class from the public interface (and, therefore, the "sycl/sycl.hpp" header) |
Cqueue_impl | The PImpl implementation struct encapsulating a single SYCL queue |
Ccsvm | A C-SVM implementation using DPC++ as SYCL backend |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the DPC++ SYCL backend occurs |
►Nhip | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the HIP backend |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing HIP backend specific implementation details. Should not directly be used by users |
Cdevice_ptr | Small wrapper class around a HIP device pointer together with commonly used device functions |
Ccsvm | A C-SVM implementation using HIP as backend |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the HIP backend occurs |
►Nhipsycl | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with hipSYCL as SYCL implementation |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with hipSYCL as SYCL implementation. Should not directly be used by users |
Cdevice_ptr | Small wrapper class around a hipSYCL device pointer together with commonly used device functions |
►Cqueue | PImpl class to hide the SYCL queue class from the public interface (and, therefore, the "sycl/sycl.hpp" header) |
Cqueue_impl | The PImpl implementation struct encapsulating a single SYCL queue |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the hipSYCL SYCL backend occurs |
Ccsvm | A C-SVM implementation using hipSYCL as SYCL backend |
►Nopencl | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the OpenCL backend |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing OpenCL backend specific implementation details. Should not directly be used by users |
Ccommand_queue | RAII wrapper class around a cl_command_queue |
Ccontext | RAII wrapper class around a cl_context |
Cdevice_ptr | Small wrapper class around an OpenCL device pointer together with commonly used device functions |
Cerror_code | Class wrapping an OpenCL error code |
Ckernel | RAII wrapper class around a cl_kernel |
Ccsvm | A C-SVM implementation using OpenCL as backend |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the OpenCL backend occurs |
►Nopenmp | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the OpenMP backend |
Ccsvm | A C-SVM implementation using OpenMP as backend |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the OpenMP backend occurs |
►Noperators | Namespace containing operator overloads for std::vector and other mathematical functions on vectors |
Ctransposed | Wrapper struct for overloading the dot product operator |
►Nsycl | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with the preferred SYCL implementation |
►Ndetail | Namespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with the preferred SYCL implementation. Should not directly be used by users |
Cdevice_kernel_w_linear | Calculate the w vector to speed up the prediction of the labels for data points using the linear kernel function |
Cdevice_kernel_predict_polynomial | Predicts the labels for data points using the polynomial kernel function |
Cdevice_kernel_predict_rbf | Predicts the labels for data points using the radial basis functions kernel function |
Cdevice_kernel_q_linear | Functor to calculate the q vector using the linear C-SVM kernel |
Cdevice_kernel_q_polynomial | Functor to calculate the q vector using the polynomial C-SVM kernel |
Cdevice_kernel_q_rbf | Functor to calculate the q vector using the radial basis functions C-SVM kernel |
Chierarchical_device_kernel_linear | Calculates the C-SVM kernel using the hierarchical formulation and the linear kernel function |
Chierarchical_device_kernel_polynomial | Calculates the C-SVM kernel using the hierarchical formulation and the polynomial kernel function |
Chierarchical_device_kernel_rbf | Calculates the C-SVM kernel using the hierarchical formulation and the radial basis functions kernel function |
Cnd_range_device_kernel_linear | Calculates the C-SVM kernel using the nd_range formulation and the linear kernel function |
Cnd_range_device_kernel_polynomial | Calculates the C-SVM kernel using the nd_range formulation and the polynomial kernel function |
Cnd_range_device_kernel_rbf | Calculates the C-SVM kernel using the nd_range formulation and the radial basis functions kernel function |
Cbackend_exception | Exception type thrown if a problem with the SYCL backend occurs |
Nversion | Namespace containing versioning information |
Ccsvm_to_backend_type | Get the plssvm::backend_type of the C-SVM class of type T . Ignores all top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers |
Ccsvm | Base class for all C-SVM backends |
Ccsvm_backend_exists | Sets the value of the value member to true if T is a C-SVM using an available backend. Ignores any top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers |
►Cdata_set | Encapsulate all necessary data that is needed for training or predicting using an SVM |
Clabel_mapper | Implements all necessary functionality to map arbitrary labels to labels usable by the C-SVMs |
►Cscaling | Implements all necessary data and functions needed for scaling a plssvm::data_set to an user-defined range |
Cfactors | The calculated or read feature-wise scaling factors |
Cdefault_init | This class denotes an explicit default value initialization used to distinguish between the default value or user provided initialization in the default_value class |
Cdefault_value | This class encapsulates a value that may be a default value or not |
Cis_default_value | Test whether the given type T is of type plssvm::default_value ignoring all top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers |
Cexception | Base class for all custom exception types. Forwards its message to std::runtime_error and saves the exception name and the call side source location information |
Cinvalid_parameter_exception | Exception type thrown if the provided parameter is invalid |
Cfile_reader_exception | Exception type thrown if the file_reader is used inappropriately (e.g., if two files should be opened at the same time) |
Cdata_set_exception | Exception type thrown if a data_set is used inappropriately |
Cfile_not_found_exception | Exception type thrown if the provided file couldn't be found |
Cinvalid_file_format_exception | Exception type thrown if the provided file has an invalid format for the selected parser (e.g. if the arff parser tries to parse a LIBSVM file) |
Cunsupported_backend_exception | Exception type thrown if the requested backend is not supported on the target machine |
Cunsupported_kernel_type_exception | Exception type thrown if the requested kernel type is not supported |
Cgpu_device_ptr_exception | Exception type thrown if an error in the generic plssvm::detail::gpu_device_ptr occurred |
Csource_location | The plssvm::source_location class represents certain information about the source code, such as file names, line numbers, or function names |
Cmodel | Implements a class encapsulating the result of a call to the SVM fit function. A model is used to predict the labels of a new data set |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< plssvm::default_value< T > > | Hashing struct specialization in the std namespace for a default_value |