PLSSVM - Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine  2.0.0
A Least Squares Support Vector Machine implementation using different backends.
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NplssvmThe main namespace containing all public API functions
 NcudaNamespace containing the C-SVM using the CUDA backend
 NdetailNamespace containing implementation details. Should not directly be used by users
 NdpcppNamespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with DPC++ as SYCL implementation
 NhipNamespace containing the C-SVM using the HIP backend
 NhipsyclNamespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with hipSYCL as SYCL implementation
 NopenclNamespace containing the C-SVM using the OpenCL backend
 NopenmpNamespace containing the C-SVM using the OpenMP backend
 NoperatorsNamespace containing operator overloads for std::vector and other mathematical functions on vectors
 NsyclNamespace containing the C-SVM using the SYCL backend with the preferred SYCL implementation
 NversionNamespace containing versioning information
 Ccsvm_to_backend_typeGet the plssvm::backend_type of the C-SVM class of type T. Ignores all top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers
 CcsvmBase class for all C-SVM backends
 Ccsvm_backend_existsSets the value of the value member to true if T is a C-SVM using an available backend. Ignores any top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers
 Cdata_setEncapsulate all necessary data that is needed for training or predicting using an SVM
 Cdefault_initThis class denotes an explicit default value initialization used to distinguish between the default value or user provided initialization in the default_value class
 Cdefault_valueThis class encapsulates a value that may be a default value or not
 Cis_default_valueTest whether the given type T is of type plssvm::default_value ignoring all top-level const, volatile, and reference qualifiers
 CexceptionBase class for all custom exception types. Forwards its message to std::runtime_error and saves the exception name and the call side source location information
 Cinvalid_parameter_exceptionException type thrown if the provided parameter is invalid
 Cfile_reader_exceptionException type thrown if the file_reader is used inappropriately (e.g., if two files should be opened at the same time)
 Cdata_set_exceptionException type thrown if a data_set is used inappropriately
 Cfile_not_found_exceptionException type thrown if the provided file couldn't be found
 Cinvalid_file_format_exceptionException type thrown if the provided file has an invalid format for the selected parser (e.g. if the arff parser tries to parse a LIBSVM file)
 Cunsupported_backend_exceptionException type thrown if the requested backend is not supported on the target machine
 Cunsupported_kernel_type_exceptionException type thrown if the requested kernel type is not supported
 Cgpu_device_ptr_exceptionException type thrown if an error in the generic plssvm::detail::gpu_device_ptr occurred
 Csource_locationThe plssvm::source_location class represents certain information about the source code, such as file names, line numbers, or function names
 CmodelImplements a class encapsulating the result of a call to the SVM fit function. A model is used to predict the labels of a new data set
 Chash< plssvm::default_value< T > >Hashing struct specialization in the std namespace for a default_value